The Importance of Good Copy for your Service-Based Business

Did you know that people actually still read? I know it may be hard to believe in the digital world we live in, but it's true! And what's even more true is the fact that service-based businesses should absolutely be prioritizing the power of words in their marketing strategies.

So what exactly type of words am I talking about, you ask? Copywriting! (but the cool kids call it "copy" for short).

There are several "types" of copywriting, but to sum it all up, copywriting is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade people to take a particular action.

Sounds like pretty important stuff if you ask me. But I can already hear you telling yourself "I can easily increase my brand awareness through my socials, or my website. My visuals work just fine."

Well, let's just stop there for a minute. While pictures may be worth a thousand words, you know what they don't do -- speak directly to your potential clients in your brand voice.

Let's get into the importance of creating good copy for your service-based business!

Good Copy Is Essential to Building Your Brand Voice

While visual branding, a bomb website, and consistent social media content are important, at the basis of all of it is copywriting. If you don't have the words to help convey your messaging, your potential clients won't fully grasp how you can help them.

Does your website tell your potential clients what you can do for them? Do your social media posts have compelling captions that offer value to your audience? Does your sales page only have pictures and videos, but no clear call to action?

There is power in words, my friend. 

Think of your visuals as the "makeup" of your brand, but the copy as the personality. It's how you speak, how you convey emotion, how you tell the overall story of your's the voice your business needs.

Good Copy Turns your Audience into Loyal Clients

Imagine you walk into a store and you really want to buy a new laptop. An associate comes up to you and doesn't really tell you much about the laptop you're looking at. They kind of shrug, and say "I mean, it gets the job done," and leave it up to you to decide if you want it or not.

Now imagine that same associate telling you all of the specs, features, and benefits of the laptop, while also striking up friendly conversation so you feel comfortable. Chances are, you'll be in a much better mindset to follow through with the purchase.

This is what good copy does for your business. It allows potential clients to get a feel for who you are, what you provide, and how you can help them.

Good Copy Levels Up Your Marketing 

Copywriting in itself has the potential to be an entire marketing strategy for your business. But we'll save that for another day. For now, the important thing to take away is that good copy can reach your specific audience by offering them value, which will increase conversions. By implementing copywriting in your marketing strategies through email newsletters, blogging, articles, sales pages, and social media, you can't lose!

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